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Pronouns - He/him, they/them

Gender - Nonbinary

Presentation - Typically masculine or androgynous

Orientation - Unspecified

Age - 5-9

Species - Smooth Fox Terrier







Artist's note - you don't need to use exact hex codes in your piece, this is just for additional reference.


Prefers quiet experiences. TBD

Physical Details

Short, wiry fur. Fairly active and plays in the dirt a lot, so his clothes aren't usually too fancy! Chew necklaces (usually a bone, but can be anything really), Fun t-shirts (with cartoons, patterns, etc.), Shorts, jeans, Boots or tennis shoes, Doesn't like very restrictive clothes, or nylon/other fabrics that can make loud or scratchy noises Strength, Speed, Sight, Hearing, Scent, Reflexes, physical health, height/weight, body type. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Pellentesque sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non. Varius duis at consectetur lorem donec massa sapien.


Eating is often a sensory-seeking experience. Bluey OC.


Mainly just ideas for artists! Go crazy


  • Playing in the woods/nature
  • Playing with Jack & Rusty
  • Fingerpainting
  • Watching cartoons


  • Crackers, chips, other consistent and crunchy snacks are his favorite, especially Veggie Straws and Cheez-Its
  • Simple meat and cheese sandwhiches
  • Celery & apple slices, plain or with peanut butter
  • Ice cream with tougher chunks like candy or chocolate, nothing mushy like fruit or caramel
  • Doesn't like whipped cream or overly seasoned/spicy/salty foods, and often prefers things like salads or meats to be plain


  • Much more sensory-seeking than sensory avoidant, and always needs to fidget with something. This is the main reason for him often being dirty, since he loves the textures of the mud, dirt, trees, etc.

Hover for art credit. If you're having difficulty finding an artist, feel free to contact us and ask, but be aware many may be lost to time due to deleted accounts or changed usernames.